How you as a manager can keep calm even in a crisis

If you manage people, it is more than likely that from time to time you will have to face unpleasant and stressful situations. Whenever a crisis comes, the true nature of a manager becomes apparent. All eyes are on the leader, who needs to calm things down and solve the problem, while serving as a role model in how they proceed and how calm they remain. Therefore this article will look at some tips on how you as a manager can remain calm even in extreme situations.


These tips were published by

Set emotions aside and focus on the core of the problem

The most essential piece of advice is: do not become overwhelmed by emotions and maintain a strictly professional attitude. Try to set feelings aside and focus on the core of the problem you are facing. Try to separate assumptions from facts and keep a rational mindset. Only then will you be able to appear calm and on top of things.

Communicate and do not try to withhold information from the team

In any crisis scenario, it is essential you communicate quickly and effectively. If you withhold information from your team, you will only increase the tension which is already high. On the other hand, if you manage to communicate effectively, you will show confidence and quality leadership.

Define priorities and do not become overwhelmed with unimportant things

In situations when everything seems to be crumbling, it is easy to be overwhelmed by details and drown in the whole situation. The solution is to define immediate priorities and work on them. Other less important things can wait. If you focus on a smaller number of the most essential points, you will be less stressed out and bring order to your work.

Prepare a plan and distribute its items among team members

Prepare an action plan describing how you will solve the problem and divide it into smaller, specific tasks. And, if possible, delegate these tasks among team members. In crisis situations, it is essential everybody feels they are contributing to the solution and that as a team you are heading towards a successful conclusion.

Always be on top of things and monitor the whole situation

As a manager, you must stay on top of the situation as a whole. Monitor the work of team members, keep an eye on how things are developing and, even when the worst is over, beware of signals suggesting the crisis might be coming back.



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