Five elementary mistakes often made by new managers

Have you recently been promoted to a managerial position? Or about to be promoted? You may have the ambition, hard skills and technical knowledge, but being a good leader requires experience, hard work and also humility. You are bound to make mistakes on your journey and you will need to learn a lot. But to make at least the beginning a little easier, we will share here five mistakes often made by new managers, which you should try to avoid.


This article was published by Management Issues.

Mistake no. 1: Thinking you always know best

Many new managers come to their new position with a clear idea about what they want to achieve. They have a clear vision and will not let anyone persuade them otherwise. But a good manager must also be humble, they must listen to their team members and be ready to change their attitude because employees may often come up with excellent initiatives and ideas.

Mistake no. 2: Having the same attitude towards everybody

On the one hand, you need to be objective and fair-minded; on the other hand, no two people are the same. Each person has different traits and requires a slightly different approach. Treat employees as individual human beings and find a personal connection with each one.

Mistake no. 3: Focusing too much on the technical side of things

Many new team leaders focus on hard numbers, statistics, results and technical aspects of how the team functions. They see such things as communication, company culture or team spirit as only secondary topics that do not require too much attention. But that is a big mistake.

Mistake no. 4: Unwillingness to talk about difficult and unpleasant topics

Unfortunately, being a manager is not always a bed of roses. There exist such unpleasant topics as frustration of employees, uncertainty, bad communication by management, bullying, gossip and so on. A good manager cannot hide from such topics but instead must face up to them and discuss them with employees in a transparent manner.

Mistake no. 5: Being too ambitious

A young manager who has been freshly promoted to a new position is full of plans, ambitions and visions. But they must also make sure these ambitions are not exaggerated: if you are constantly pushing the team towards unrealistic results, it might end up completely falling apart.



Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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