Five things a manager must never utter in front of their team

Being a manager involves great responsibility, which also means, among other things, that a manager must serve as a role model. Unfortunately, many managers regularly demotivate subordinates, often without realising it, by saying things that harm teamwork and work performance. Here are five things that you, as a leader, should never say to your team.


"Client XY is awful."

As a manager, you must be professional at all times. No matter what your personal feelings, you must not complain about clients in front of your team and always maintain a professional approach.

"I won't be doing your job for you."

As a team leader, you must be a full-value member of the group. Be a good partner and help your team members with their projects without reproaching them, and teach them to work independently.

"I don't agree with this decision by management."

As states, even if you personally disagree with a company policy, process or decision, you must not say so in front of your team. You represent the company. And if you boycott its decisions in this manner, your team members will not follow the official rules either.

"We've always done it like this."

A team leader should motivate employees to offer new ideas and innovations. Employees should try constantly to leave their comfort zone and disrupt the status quo. So there is no point arguing something should be done just because it has always been done that way.

"Mistakes will not be tolerated."

Create an atmosphere where people are not afraid to make occasional mistakes. Only then will they try new things and innovate. Failure is a necessary part of finding ideal solutions, so you must abandon the idea that failure is not an option.



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