This list was published by Business2Community.
Listening skills
Leading others is an interactive process. Without the ability to listen to other people and a willingness genuinely to think about what they say, you can never become a good leader.
Willingness to help others
Another key personal trait is a willingness and ability to help others, give advice and mentor (in a positive sense). Your behaviour should make it clear you are interested in bringing out the best in others.
Planning skills
A good manager plans thoroughly; moreover, they have scheduled slots in which they plan strategies and systems for their future work.
A natural leader realises that every person is an individual, and treats them as such. Through their behaviour, the leader inspires but is also able to communicate with individual people in a way that suits them.
Ability to trust others
Leaders should not do everything on their own but also give a certain level of autonomy and trust to others. You must know what the expertise of individual people is and then support it.