Non-verbal tricks that will help you achieve what you want during any meeting

A manager has to attend numerous meetings and be able to negotiate with many different types of people. Effective management is primarily all about interpersonal communication, which to a large extent is non-verbal. We usually perceive non-verbal communication subconsciously but that does not mean you should pay no attention to it. On the contrary, if you manage to incorporate a few simple non-verbal tricks into your interactions with anyone - subordinate, team as a whole or superior - you could take your communication to a whole new level.


This list was published by Forbes.

Eye contact

Maintain eye contact with the other person, do not look around the room, do not avert your eyes.


A smile is a simple yet surprisingly effective method of getting the other participant in the conversation into a positive mood and persuading them of your self-confidence.

Facial expressions

“Animate” your face and adopt expressions according to individual situations. You will thus seem open and trustworthy.


When the other person is talking, nod occasionally to make it clear you are listening to them.


Do not sit with your hands fixed to the table. Use gestures to emphasise what you are saying.

Leaning back

Do not unconsciously lean back with your body away from your counterpart. On the contrary, you should lean forward.

Change of positions

Do not be in one position too long. It will look unnatural and contrived.


Breathe slowly, calmly, inhale between sentences, not between individual words. Do not breathe in a shallow manner.


Research shows that people who blink too often come across as nervous and untrustworthy.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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