Earning the respect of others by maintaining personal discipline

Only a well balanced person living according to their own clearly defined philosophy can earn the respect and acknowledgement of people around them. To be an inspiring and respected individual should be the goal of any aspiring manager. Successful people know their personal philosophy and live according to it; at the same time, they communicate its principles to others and thus become an inspiration. They have defined who they are and who they wish to be, and they are confident in putting their philosophy into practice in their everyday lives.



As The Balance states, an important step in creating a personal discipline is the realisation that it is we ourselves who consciously determine our own philosophy and set our priorities. Define your own view of life, then write down the main points of your philosophy and how you will implement these ideas in your everyday life. Think about who you are, what you would like to change about yourself and within what time frame, and what your priorities are. Do not ignore the writing process, which is crucial for your future success: it will give your philosophy clarity and integrity, which will help you in its implementation.

Self-confidence and consistency

In asserting your personal philosophy be self-confident and consistent. Your manifesto points should not exist only on paper or be used merely as rhetorical phrases: it is deeds that count, not words. Live your daily life according to your philosophy and be consistent. Following your own rules and focusing on your priorities will provide mental balance and integrity which will inspire people around you. Prove to the world as well as to yourself that you can maintain your personal discipline without exception.



Article source The Balance - a US website focused on money and career
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