Everyday habits that will make you more productive in the long run

Productivity and work efficiency are key traits of anyone wanting to succeed as a leader. Fortunately, these skills can be learned. There are certain habits and rituals that will help you get more done in a shorter time, do a great job, be an inspiring leader and better combine your work and personal life. This article describes these simple, yet effective habits.


Physical activity in the afternoon

According to PsychCentral.com, most people do physical activities and sports either in the early morning or in the evening. In terms of how a body works and boosting energy, it is a good idea to try and include at least a little physical activity in the early afternoon and thus get an energy boost for the rest of the afternoon.

Stop at an optimum moment

Many people say it is good to leave the office with a clean desk. But an effective alternative is stopping at a good point when you know exactly what the next step will be. Then start with this step first thing in the morning. You will thus have a quick and easy start to the new day.


Did you know Edison, Rockefeller and Churchill were all fond of an afternoon nap? If you have the opportunity, try incorporating a short nap into your programme after lunch and thus reboot yourself. The ideal length of the nap should be 20-30 minutes. At the beginning, you might not be able to fall asleep but if you practise napping, you will soon be able to fall asleep as soon as you lie down.

Preparation for the next day

A great way to start the working day is knowing exactly what you will be doing and not losing time getting organised. Get used to preparing tasks and a schedule every afternoon for the following day, so that you can arrive the next morning and start working effectively right away.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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