How to become instantly likeable

Likeable people have a much better chance of being successful at their work and becoming respected leaders. Being likeable has many benefits, both at work and in personal life, and it is a necessary trait of anyone who wants to manage others. Fortunately, being likeable is nothing difficult; you just need to follow a few simple steps.


Be decisive

According to, confidence and decisiveness are traits that will make people listen to you and like you. Be experts in your field, be confident about your opinions, know your value and give the impression that you have everything under perfect control.

Be interested in other people

The individualistic age in which we now live is about people caring primarily about themselves. And maybe that is why it seems remarkably likeable if you are genuinely and honestly interested in someone else. Forget about your ago, at least temporarily, and empathise with the person you are talking to and be interested in them. The more honest and human you are, the better for your interaction with the given person, no matter who it is.

Practise gestures and expressions

The fact you care about the other person is best shown by reacting to what they say with your body, posture and facial expressions. Adopt an open posture towards them, react with nods and suitable expressions, and let your non-verbal, positive signals influence them.


A smile is the simplest and best way to show anybody you like them. As soon as you make this clear, the person will automatically see you in a positive light as well. Do not underestimate the power of smiling.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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