Seven tips on reducing stress both at work and in life

Long-term stress is a silent killer. Not only does it continuously reduce your efficiency and productivity, but in the end leads to higher error rates, health problems and psychosomatic effects: high blood pressure, burnout, higher risk of depression and other mental illnesses. All these things can be caused by stress, which is why this article offers seven tips on how to reduce stress at work and in life. You can either practise these tips yourself or teach them to your subordinates, thus helping them to fight against chronic stress.


Breathing exercises

According to PsychCentral, it is worth practising breathing exercises every day for just five minutes. Sit in a quiet room, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, taking four seconds to breathe in and eight seconds to breathe out.

Clear plan for every day

Stress is often rooted in uncertainty, chaos and lack of planning. Prevent these problems from happening by preparing a clear-cut plan for every day and sticking to it.

Physical exercise

A healthy mind in a healthy body. Do not underestimate the importance of physical exercise, which is essential in regeneration of the brain. If you neither run nor swim, at least take long walks.

Adhering to a regular schedule

Modern technologies, lights, electricity and computers enable us to live independently of the natural rhythms of nature. To achieve mental well-being, you must get closer again to these natural rhythms and stick to a regular schedule.

Sleeping habits

If you sleep too little, or if your sleep is of low quality or irregular, your mind does not have chance to regenerate and your body produces larger volumes of stress hormones.

Not being afraid to say no

Too much stress stems from an inability to refuse other people's demands. A healthy and sustainable attitude to work means having certain priorities and just saying no to certain tasks.

Not neglecting hobbies and things that bring you joy

People are often so absorbed in work and their schedule that they forget about the simple things which give them pleasure. Remember to spend some time on your hobbies and don't forget about activities that have no other meaning than bringing you pure joy.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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