What traits make a really good leader?

Being a genuinely good leader means serving as a role model to subordinates, motivating and inspiring them to give maximum effort at work. At the same time a good leader allows their team sufficient room for their own initiative, while also supporting critical and creative thinking. What traits do you need in order to become a such a leader? And which skills should you work on and what should you focus on when developing yourself?


This list was published by ZenBusiness.com.


First of all, you must be able to empathise with others. Empathy is fortunately a skill that can be learnt and if you pay special attention to perfecting it, you will manage to increase your emotional intelligence and ability to understand your employees and communicate with them.

Communication skills

While some people are naturally effective communicators, most people have to learn communication skills. Pay attention to your voice, expressions, your body posture and the non-verbal signals you are emitting towards the people around you.

Patience and tolerance

A good leader must also be patient and understanding. They have to realise that people all work differently and at a different pace, and each individual needs a different approach. This is why the manager cannot have exaggerated expectations; they must allow employees a certain freedom, be patient with them and listen to them.

Ability to trust subordinates

This may seem banal, but many people are unable to trust others. This applies especially to overly critical individuals or perfectionists who would prefer to do everything on their own and have a problem delegating part of their agenda to others and giving employees space for their own work. A good leader must be capable of showing trust.

Ability to assess any situation well

A good leader must be able to behave tactfully in all possible situations. Nothing surprises them, they do not allow themselves to be taken aback, they assess well any situation they find themselves in and are able to react appropriately, without a trace of panic or uncertainty.



Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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