A leader must be mentally resilient. How can you too increase your resilience?

A good leader sees opportunities wherever others see problems. Such people are a source of positive vibes and stability even at times when unpredictable things are happening and the whole team is facing difficult challenges. Every manager or aspiring leader must therefore be mentally resilient. How can you too become more resilient? Here are some techniques that will help you.


See mistakes as opportunities

According to Forbes, first of all you should change your attitude towards your own mistakes. Stop being afraid of them; on the contrary, regard them as an opportunity to learn something new. This only applies, of course, if you genuinely do learn from your own mistakes and change your approach based on them.

Focus on your own mental health

Although many people try to trivialise their own mental health and well-being as something unimportant, the fact is that if you are exposed to long-term stress and fail to deal with it, sooner or later these problems will catch up with you. So pay attention to your own mental health.

Assume the role of "uninvolved observer"

When you become overwhelmed with obligations and urgent tasks, try a psychological trick known as the "uninvolved observer". Try to elevate your mind above your body and look at yourself as if things are not happening to you but to someone else. Then make calm, rational decisions without taking events too personally.

Increase your emotional intelligence

High emotional intelligence will help you not only communicate with people around you more effectively but also to recognise yourself better. Do not ignore your own feelings; quite the opposite: learn to accept them and work with them, including the unpleasant ones.

Follow healthy sleeping and eating habits

Sleep, regular eating and physical activity: these are the three pillars of both physical and psychological health. If you neglect them, you may run into serious problems in the long run. And one of those problems is reduced mental resilience.




Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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