How managers can relax and combat stress

Stress is typical of people in leading positions, which is why it is important managers are able to relax in a suitable and effective way. Here is some advice on how to go about it.


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There are many kinds of meditation, so you can choose from a whole range of forms. Try to find out the available options and whether any of them would suit you with regard to your lifestyle, time schedule and personality type.

Writing a journal

Recording your feelings in a journal and thus structuring your own thoughts can have a powerful therapeutic effect by helping you gain a better perspective on what is happening to you.

Time for yourself

Everyone, in order to function properly in the long run, needs some time only for themselves. They must be able to spend time on their hobbies and handling their own feelings, which otherwise tend to be suppressed by the mass of work or mundane activities.

Balanced personal and work life

Creating a boundary between personal and work life and balancing the two is key to fighting stress and to one's own well-being.

Physical activity

Do not neglect physical activity, which helps the body produce endorphins and regenerate the brain.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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