Five tips on what to do in the face of extreme stress

People in management positions are quite often under extreme stress. This is caused by managers being responsible for other people's work; thus they can hardly control their overwhelming workload when they have to deal with urgent problems of all their subordinates. If you sometimes find yourself in stressful situations, here are five tips on what to do in order to handle stress successfully and at the same time maintain your mental health.


Divide tasks into smaller chunks that are easier to handle

As states, the first step is to divide the heaps of work coming at you into smaller and more manageable chunks. Define priorities, work on them constructively and give the chaos around you a certain structure.

Learn to delegate more effectively

As a manager you have a unique opportunity to delegate tasks to subordinates. But first you need to learn to delegate effectively, so that handing over tasks will mean less work for you rather than more.

Reduce the cognitive load on your mind

The more your mind is overwhelmed by external stimuli, the worse it copes with even standard tasks. If you are stressed out, you should reduce the mental strain. Lock yourself in a silent room, do not listen to music or any other sounds, and reduce even visual noise around you.

Embrace the role of uninvolved observer

Try to convince yourself that the things happening around you are not happening to you and that you should not take them personally. Try to look at the situation in which you find yourself from a higher vantage point and solve it with cold rationality.

Talk to someone about your state

It always helps to talk to someone about how you feel. Managers often have a problem admitting they are failing at something or are overwhelmed. This is why it is even more important for them to talk about the problems caused by stress with someone they trust, be it a colleague, boss, friend, family member or even a professional.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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