Optimism can be learned: how to maintain it at all costs

One task of a team manager or company director is to spread a positive attitude and optimism even when others are desperate or tend to feel frustration. A team is at its most productive when its members have an optimistic (but at the same time realistic) attitude and are not frustrated by partial failures or the difficulty of tasks ahead. And in terms of career development, optimistic and positive people are more often promoted and more often become managers. Fortunately, optimism can be learnt. Here are some tips on staying optimistic at all times.


Know your emotions better

As Brian Tracy states on his blog, you must first increase your emotional intelligence, especially in terms of understanding your feelings. If you are a mere passive recipient of your own emotions and do not understand them, you can hardly change them. Pay attention to your feelings, find out which situations trigger which feelings and in general be more sensitive towards your emotions.

See every incident as an individual event

It might be frustrating when certain failures or critical situations happen to you repeatedly and you then see these negative experiences as part of a larger whole. Learn to regard negative incidents as isolated events that should be treated individually as they say nothing about your skills or bad luck.

Try to learn from mistakes and see them as a necessary part of your success

One of the important tasks in practicing optimism is learning to see mistakes in a positive light. Try to learn from them and view them as a necessary part of your path towards success.

Do not take things personally

Do not take what is happening to you personally. For instance, if you have a conflict with someone at the workplace or your team has not gained benefits promised by management, always remain professional and do not take any work-related events personally.



Article source BrianTracy.com - Brian Tracy's official blog
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