Five phrases that will help you gain the trust of your subordinates

A team is only capable of working effectively if its members trust their manager. It is also true that a team manager can only lead and motivate their subordinates if they are able to communicate with them effectively and thus earn their trust. Here are five phrases you should start using in everyday communication with subordinates in order to gain that trust.


The other person's name

As Forbes states, probably the most effective way to gain the trust of another person is to use their name. This shows you have an individual approach towards that person and are interested in them.

"Good point"

Support the other person in their thoughts and ideas. People will then open up to you more and share their opinions with you This will further deepen the mutual trust between the two of you.

Summing up what the other person said

When your partner in conversation shares a thought with you, you should then sum it up in your own words. This will show you are listening and thinking about what they say, rather than just waiting for them to stop talking so that you can start speaking yourself.

"I understand"

Show the other person you understand their attitude and are capable of empathising with them. The fact is you can only reach mutual trust through empathy.

Sharing your own feelings and experiences

In order to build trust, you must also share something yourself. Tell the other person about your own experiences or feelings, and thus support the mutual and individual bond between you both.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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