How to beat procrastination once and for all

Does it happen to you that you get stuck on a relatively minor task and neglect a more important activity? Or you realise you have been browsing social networks for an hour to avoid an unpleasant task that lies ahead? Procrastination, namely chronic postponement of tasks for less important activities, is a typical phenomenon of the modern era. Here is some advice on how to overcome procrastination and finally learn to work productively.


These tips were published by the Brian Tracy blog.

Forget about multitasking

Multitasking, namely working on more things at the same time, is more myth than reality. The fact is that the human brain is incapable of focusing fully on more than one difficult task at once, and multitasking usually means just jumping from one thing to another. Do not work on more things at once; instead, practise so-called "unitasking", always focusing on just the one task you are working on, and try to learn how to do so-called "deep work".

Get unpleasant and important tasks off the table first

The classical and time-proven piece of advice is: at the beginning of each working day, do the most important tasks first and only then proceed to the less pressing ones. If you do things the other way round, you will never be able to focus fully because, when working on the less important tasks, you will always be aware that the "main" item on the agenda is yet to come. Arrange tasks for the day in order based on their priority, then proceed from the top to the bottom.

Eliminate distractions

Eliminate anything that might disturb you. If possible, put your private phone on silent mode, turn off the radio or TV, close the door and shut yourself off from your surroundings. It is recommended you decide that in the next two hours, let's say, you will not look at your private e-mail, social networks or news websites.

Have a clear plan for each day

Prepare a to-do list for each day. Put it down on paper, in a document on the computer, or use special apps. By having your tasks written down, you will avoid being interrupted during work as you will have a clear outline and plan of what you want to do.




Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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