Five steps towards building resilience

Being a manager is often very demanding. Thus one of the key traits of any manager is mental resilience, namely the ability to handle stress, make good decisions under pressure and not take personally the failures and extreme situations that always go hand in hand with a management position. But can you learn to be more resilient? Fortunately yes. Here are five steps that help build stronger psychological resilience.


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Change your attitude towards change

People generally tend to prefer the status quo. Few people like change; the majority feel more comfortable in a familiar environment that offers them constant certainty. Unfortunately, though, in reality, changes come and always will come, so if you want to avoid stagnating, you need to adjust your attitude towards changes. Learn to welcome them, appreciate them and see them as opportunities.

Focus on things you can influence

You most likely become most stressed out when what seems like chaos takes over and many things are happening that you have no way of influencing. In such situations, you should not focus on the things you cannot change, but on those you can.

Have crisis scenarios ready

For the sake of your own well-being and peace of mind, you should prepare for worst case scenarios. Have plans ready for how you will solve problems that might occur and you will be much calmer and more focused, regardless of whether these problems actually occur or not.

Learn to make the most of any situation

Every situation, even the seemingly most hopeless one, offers some positive opportunities. Learn always to find something positive in any situation, and always extract the maximum from it.

Learn to relax effectively

Last but not least, you must of course learn to relax in an effective manner. Each person is a little bit different and has a different way of calming down and relaxing. Find out what works for you and practise it regularly, especially at moments when you are under pressure.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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