When talking to subordinates, watch your body language

A good and effective team leader must possess, above all, excellent communication skills. This means the ability not only to speak in public, but mainly to communicate effectively on a daily basis with individual people, especially subordinates. If you are incapable of communicating well, you will hardly inspire and motivate your team, who in turn are unlikely to respect you. And as roughly 80% of interpersonal communication takes place on a nonverbal level, this article will look at some basic tips regarding body language that you should keep in mind during daily communication with subordinates.


Keep an open stance towards the other person

As AmericanExpress.com states, you should always maintain an open stance towards the person you are talking to. Do not sit sideways to them, nor turn your back on them. Sit or stand straight, facing the other person, showing them they have your full attention.

Show a smile

The most universal and effective of all tools when communicating with either a group or an individual is a smile. It shows you have good intentions, that you enjoy talking to the audience or the other person and that you are open to debate.

Do not fold your arms

Folded arms or clasped hands: these are gestures that build a barrier between you and the other person. You should generally avoid having anything between you and your counterpart, including crossed arms, especially if you want to have any influence on the other person.

Use mirrored gestures and expressions

People generally tend to place more trust in someone who is similar to themselves, comes from the same background and has the same opinions and behaviour. Likewise with gestures: to create mutual trust, it is a good trick to copy the gestures of the person you are talking to.

Remember to keep eye contact

Maintaining eye contact is of course essential in successful communication. Your eyes should not wander around the room, nor should you look at your phone or watch. That said, you should not overdo it: this tip does not mean staring intensely at the other person as that could make them feel really uncomfortable.

Keep a straight posture

As a manager, you must emit confidence, certainty and authority. Only then will your workers trust you and listen properly to what you are saying. You can come across as an authority also by sitting or standing straight, shoulders back, chin up and no slouching.



Article source Business Class blog American Express - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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