Four things a manager who feels overwhelmed should do

A management position often brings psychologically challenging, stressful and complex situations. A manager must always keep a healthy distance and maintain a positive attitude, thus motivating their team to solve every situation in an efficient, calm and stress-free manner. Thus it is no surprise managers may feel slightly overwhelmed by all the tasks and stress around them. Here are four things you should do in such a situation.


These tips were published by

Define current priorities

When everything seems to be falling apart, it is easy to be overwhelmed by details and drown in the whole situation. The way out is to define current priorities and work on them. Other, less important things can wait. If you focus on a smaller number of the most essential points, you will be less stressed out and able to add some order to your work.

Avoid being overwhelmed by emotions

The most essential piece of advice is: do not become overwhelmed by emotions and keep a strictly professional attitude. Try to set feelings aside and focus on the core of the problem you are facing. Try also to separate assumptions from facts and keep a rational mindset, especially if there is simply too much going on.

Delegate work to team members

If you are facing a challenging situation or handling too much at once, you should definitely delegate work to your team. Prepare an action plan and divide the problem into smaller, specific tasks. If possible, delegate these tasks among team members. In crisis situations, it is essential everybody feels they are contributing to the solution and that you as a team are proceeding towards a successful end.

Ask for help

Being a team manager does not mean you should handle everything all by yourself. If help from your team is not enough, seek assistance from colleagues or approach your line manager. Admitting there is too much going on is less a sign of weakness than of a systemic mistake.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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