How to learn to negotiate and leave every meeting as a winner

Negotiation is a process in which you need to find a compromise between two sides, while trying if possible to maintain the optimum outcome for yourself. The art of negotiation will prove handy not only at work (when talking to business partners, subordinates, colleagues or, say, with your manager about your pay) but also in common, everyday situations. Here are some tips that will help you achieve what you want in negotiations.


Truly believe in what you are offering

In order to get into the right frame of mind so you are not downtrodden by the other person, you must genuinely believe that whatever it is you are offering is truly valuable. If you are not really convinced of this yourself, you will have a hard time persuading others.

Set a limit in advance you will not go below

If possible, define in advance a minimum limit you will not go below in any circumstances and stick to this during the negotiations.  

Offer a new view of the given topic

As Forbes states, the other party usually comes to the meeting with certain expectations and a plan they have no intention of changing. The only way to make them shift their position is to offer a new perspective on the whole situation, relativising their particular standpoint and thus creating a completely new negotiating space.

Always demand something in return when you make a concession

If you are really forced to make some concessions, you should always want something in return. Never make a concession without reaching a compromise that you profit from as well.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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