Reaching success both in life and at work requires a change of attitude

Do you want to achieve success in life and at work but you sometimes lack motivation? Do you want to advance your career, be successful in the field of your choice and happy in your job? Here are five traits and attitudes you should embrace in order to succeed both at work and in your personal life.


These tips were published by

Do not be perfectionists

Nothing is perfect and if you always expect perfection and 100% success, after a while you will lose motivation and energy. Yes, you should aim at being as good and successful as possible, but you also have to realise that nothing is perfect and absolute perfectionism will only hinder you, wear you down and eventually demotivate you.

Do not be discouraged by partial failures

The path towards success is riddled with minor failures. Do not become discouraged if you encounter numerous obstacles and errors, and do not focus too much on just one target: always work on more things at once.

Set up clear personal goals

You may never achieve personal success and happiness if you have no defined goals. Set up clear, measurable targets, and ideally write them down on a piece of paper.

Leave your comfort zone

Even the smallest ventures outside your comfort zone will teach you boldness and resilience if you manage to do this regularly. It need not be anything work-related; you may, for instance, learn to take a cold shower every day.

Make a long-term effort

Be patient, and practise all the above-mentioned habits in the long-term. Short-term effort can bring only short-term success.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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