Finally overcome procrastination thanks to these three tips

Probably all of us know what it is to be so overwhelmed with work that we do not want to do anything, and in the end we prefer to spend time doing literally anything else. Then, at the end of the day, we realise we have not done as much work as we planned. This approach is especially problematic in a team manager who should serve as a role model. Here are three tips on how to overcome procrastination and reach higher productivity.


Achieve expertise in what you are doing

Among the reasons why we tend to procrastinate, according to Forbes,  is the fact that humans by nature dislike things outside their comfort zone (such as a difficult task), so they procrastinate with entertainment and simpler tasks that do fall within their comfort zone. This problem may be solved by expanding your expertise in the long run in fields where you currently do not feel totally comfortable.

Reward yourself for a job well done

If you know there are multiple unpleasant and difficult tasks ahead which you would rather not do, and therefore they pose a high risk of procrastination, prepare a system whereby you reward yourself for fulfilling these tasks. Write down a plan and, after each completed task, have a 15-minute break during which you listen to your favourite music or simply do whatever you like.

Practise deep work

Deep work, mindfulness, single-tasking, flow: all these terms are connected. They are derived from the idea that in order for a person really to work effectively, they must eliminate all external distractions and focus fully on the task facing them. Learn deep working, and practise focusing on one task at a time. For instance, block off 45 minutes during which you will do nothing apart from the given task. Turn off your phone, mute all music and noises around you, and eliminate anything that could disturb you.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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