How a manager can solve a critical situation in four steps

A manager's true qualities only appear when they are faced with a crisis or uncertainty. During such times, the leader must seem confident, reassure their team and help subordinates find the most effective solution or reaction to the given situation. Here are four things a manager should do in the face of a critical or uncertain situation.


This text is derived from an article.

Be honest and acknowledge the non-standard situation

Trying to calm things by downplaying or even ignoring the problematic situation would be counterproductive. If subordinates see you are not taking the situation seriously and basically trying not to notice it, they will be even more nervous. First of all, you must acknowledge the team is in a non-standard situation and be honest with your subordinates.

Define goals and enthuse the team for a common vision

The next step is to say what it is that actually makes the situation non-standard, what is at stake and what the ideal state you want to achieve looks like. Introduce a vision to the team, a goal you as a group will be striving to reach. You should try to define this goal in as specific terms as possible. Then enthuse team members for the vision and motivate them to pull together to achieve it.

Agree on the next steps

When you know where you want to be heading, you should talk to the team about how to reach the goal. Define the tasks of individual team members so you overcome the problem in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Delegate tasks to team members, and ensure everyone agrees with them, understands why these steps are necessary, and what it is you want from them.

Act quickly and be flexible

In uncertain situations, you must keep an open mind. While you might agree on a solution you can start working on immediately, the situation could develop unexpectedly the very next day, and then you will have to react to that by adjusting your plans. This must not demotivate you, which is why you need to prepare the team for the fact that this eventuality may occur.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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