Six tips on how to show confidence through body language

There are numerous types of effective management styles. Some managers are excellent at communicating with subordinates, some take advantage of the fact they are an acknowledged expert in their field, some employ more of an authoritarian style. But there is one trait no manager can do without: self-confidence. Managers must come across as self-confident to the people around them, especially their subordinates. Here are six tips on how to display self-confidence through body language.


These tips were published by Forbes.

Do not touch your face

If you touch your neck, face or ears when talking, you are sending signals of unease, hiding something or lying. The best rule is not to touch your head at all when interacting with people around you.

Keep eye contact

Maintain constant eye contact; your eyes may wander only when you are thinking about an answer.

Adopt a straight and open posture

Be sure to have the right posture: shoulders back, head up, chest forward. This shows confidence.

Beware of blinking too much

Blinking too much signals nervousness and uncertainty. This is why you should keep your blinking under control when trying to look confident.

Offer a firm handshake when being introduced to someone

Your handshake should be firm and confident, but not excessively so.

Pause before answering

If someone starts talking immediately when it is their turn, people may assume they are afraid of soon being interrupted. A self-confident person knows other people are interested in what they have to say, which is why they can allow themselves a short pause for reflection before beginning to speak.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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