Improve your decision-making: five steps to making the right decision

Decision-making is big part of a manager's agenda. Without quick and correct decision-making by the manager, their team may not flourish. This is why the current article will look at the steps a correct and effective decision-making process should have.


These tips appeared in an article on the Brian Tracy blog.

Step no. 1: Find out what the decision is about

First of all you must clarify for yourself what the decision concerns. This sounds trivial, yet correctly defining the subject of the decision is crucial. Focus, if possible, on making a decision that solves the very core of the problem, not just its current, short-term symptom.

Step no. 2: Determine the options

Consider several possible options. What are the possibilities you are choosing from? How realistic are the individual options and which are the most practical?

Step no. 3: Find out what impact your decision will have

Understand the impact of your decision. In order to choose the correct solution, you need to consider the effect your decision will have. You must keep in mind also all the implications the decision will have in the future and take these into consideration.

Step no. 4: Consider the pros and cons of individual decisions

Now it is time to compare the individual options. What are their pros and cons? Will they solve things in the long run or only in the short term? And what are the priorities of what you are trying to achieve?

Step no. 5: Make the decision

The last step is to make the actual decision and implement it in the most efficient way possible. Then, monitor the situation and ensure you made the right choice. If necessary, adjust or change the decision.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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