Six tips on restoring lost motivation

Being a manager does not mean you are immune from the common mental ups and downs that everyone occasionally experiences. Managers too can go through periods of happiness and euphoria, but also spleen, melancholy and lack of motivation. Unfortunately, a manager cannot often afford to display such negative feelings openly, so as not to pass them on to their team. Here are six tips on how to motivate yourself to do your job if you currently lack motivation.


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Write down your long-term goals

You may have lost sight of your long-term goals, namely targets for which you do everything you are doing. So write these goals down and display them somewhere where you can see them.

Plan your daily activities

When you lack motivation, switch to autopilot. Plan your activities for each day in detail, and then stick to this plan.

Remember to relax

Don't forget about resting. Don't plan just work, but also rest and relaxation.

Meet your loved ones and friends

Meeting people you like can work wonders. Don't neglect your friends and family, and devote more time to socialising especially when you are short of motivation.

Engage in positive self-talk

Positive self-talk might sound like a silly or odd idea. But you can at least give it a try. It might prove to be an effective way to boost your self-confidence. Look at yourself in the mirror, talk to yourself and thus boost your courage and motivation.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Lack of motivation may have a very prosaic cause too. If you eat unhealthily, feel bad or do not sleep well, you can hardly be full of energy and motivation.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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