Five tips on how to do more in a working day

Every manager (and every hard-working employee) should always be thinking about how to improve their productivity and work in an effective yet sustainable manner. Higher productivity and success at work is not achieved by more working hours (this road rather leads to burnout), but by effective planning and a more "intelligent" working regime. This article offers five tips on how to achieve more in your working day.


Plan daily activities in detail

As Forbes states, a clear plan for every day is essential. It should list the tasks you want to accomplish and you must then adhere to it. Plan not only the activities, but also how much time you want to spend on each of them. And avoid spending too much time on one task.

Start first thing with the most important tasks

Get the least favourite and most difficult tasks off the table first thing in the morning. Not only it is the most effective time of the day for work, but you will also not need to think about having something difficult to do later in the day.

Plan free time

Remember also to include free spaces in your daily planning. Every day an unexpected and urgent task will pop up that you need to solve.

Define long-term priorities

You must define your priorities in the long run. Define your strategic goals and every day move constructively towards them.

Delegate work

As a manager, you must learn to delegate work to your subordinates. Create an efficient system of work delegation and thus allow yourself some partial relaxation.




Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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