Traits you must prove you have when applying for a management position

What traits does a good manager possess? And what characteristics do you need to prove you have in order to succeed when applying for a management position?


The website of the public media platform BBC states that anybody who wants to become a manager must demonstrate the following four traits.

Communication skills

Since leadership is 90% communication, it is crucial that every manager has excellent communication skills. They must be able to adapt to the person they are talking to at any given moment. They must also be able to communicate unpleasant topics and enthuse the people around them for a certain vision or idea.

Team spirit

Team work is the be-all and end-all of any manager's success. And as a good manager is primarily a full-value member of their team, even at the recruitment stage they must prove themselves to be an excellent team player.

Being well organised

Someone who does not have their own affairs in order and is incapable of organising their own work can hardly manage other people. A good manager should therefore be a highly organised person who is good at keeping order and efficient planning.

Positive attitude

Finally the most important point: a manager must always keep a positive mindset. They cannot fall victim to frustration and need always to be seeking solutions in the face of difficult obstacles. Only then will they provide their team with enough energy and initiative to face effectively the challenges awaiting them.


Article source BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
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