Four bad habits of managers you need to break

Just like anyone else, managers also have their bad habits. But such habits in a manager can negatively impact the whole team, damaging the work of many of their subordinates and colleagues. If you want to become a better manager, further develop your management career and communicate better with subordinates, you need to get rid of the following four (quite common) managerial bad habits.


These tips were published by the INSEAD Knowledge website.

Bad habit number 1: You have visions but do not turn them into reality

The first and a very common bad habit is the manager being a dreamer, a visionary who has a lot of good ideas but is unable to turn them into reality. Though visions and incentives are important, it is then equally important to know how, together with the team, to make them happen.

Bad habit number 2: You do not educate yourself

Employee development is one of the main tasks of a manager. Many managers, however, forget about their own education. Keep educating yourself, develop yourself, and learn new things.

Bad habit number 3: Communicating with all your employees in the same way

Every employee is a bit different and thus requires a slightly different approach; this also applies to communication. Improve your skills in this area by learning to adjust the way you talk to whomever you are interacting with. This will help improve your relations with subordinates.

Bad habit number 4: You are always busy

Nowadays this is a very common (and also very irritating) bad habit. Managers are so busy with meetings, work and tasks that they are never available. They always seem to be on the move, they postpone meetings and are always late. And what is even worse, they have no time for their employees. Do not be such a manager, and always reserve some time for your employees.



Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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