Five ways to improve your communication this year

Communication skills play a crucial role in the success of a management role. You could be the greatest expert and visionary out there but still your team might never fulfil its potential if you are unable to communicate effectively your ideas and requirements to subordinates. Fortunately, it only takes a few small changes and your communication can improve almost immediately. Let's look at five steps you could take this year to better your management communication towards subordinates.


Be authentic

As the Center for Creative Leadership states, authenticity is a frequently neglected yet crucial factor in successful management communication. Do not think too much about how you should or should not sound, or what and what not to say. Speak more in a way that suits you, and be honest.

Be available

Even the best communication skills will be of no use if you never make the time to communicate with employees. Time spent with employees should be your priority. So reduce all other various meetings and duties, and instead devote more energy to your employees.

Learn to listen

Listening is a very strong communication tool. Cease to overwhelm the people around you with your visions and opinions; instead, stop and listen to what your subordinates are saying to you (both explicitly and in between the lines).

Speak in short sentences and to the point

People often try to improve their communication skills by speaking more and in a very eloquent fashion. However, it is much more pleasant to listen to speech that is not just one never-ending sentence, but rather is separated into short, brief, and powerful sentences.

Use the power of examples and stories

Examples, illustrations and stories can help you better explain your thoughts to subordinates. Use the power of stories to your advantage and thus become a more effective communicator.


Article source Center for Creative Leadership - CCL® website
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