Four tips on how to emit positive energy towards subordinates

One of the key tasks of any manager is to emit positive energy towards their subordinates. It is the team leader's job to cheer others up when things are not going well and, with their natural authority and positive attitude, give confidence and courage to subordinates. Here are four tips on how you too can radiate such positive energy, even in times of crisis.


Body posture

According to Forbes, one of the main subconscious indicators of ease, determination and self-confidence is body posture. A self-confident person with a positive outlook on the world stands or sits straight with shoulders back. They do not slouch, but look straight ahead and have an open posture towards those with whom they interact. Keep these tips in mind and use body language to show you have no fear and are ready to face whatever comes your way. You will thus emit a positive aura.

Positive language

The vocabulary you use in your speech has a great influence on how you are perceived by those around you. Do not badmouth anyone or complain about your misfortunes. Always focus on positive things and finding solutions.

Show appreciation and praise

Many managers still underestimate the power of words of thanks and appreciation. The more you notice work well done by your subordinates and the more often you praise them, the better your employees will feel at work and their motivation will increase.


Do not ignore subordinates if they are trying to tell you something. Do not take lightly any complaints or remarks they make. Listen to them and always think about what they are trying to tell you. If subordinates sense you support them, they are less likely to feel frustration.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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