Five tips for an effective morning routine: start the day on the right foot

Your morning routine largely determines how efficient, positive and successful you will be during the upcoming day. If you commit long-term transgressions against a healthy morning routine and fail to follow habits that will help you better face the daily challenges both at work and in your personal life, you put yourself at risk of not fulfilling your potential. Here are five tips on building an effective and sustainable morning routine.


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Expose yourself to natural light

Circadian rhythms are our body's natural rhythms that affect how much energy we have at different times of the day, how we feel, what hormones our body produces, and when we are ready to go to sleep. These cycles are largely influenced by sunlight. Therefore, if you want to feel good and wake up feeling alert in the morning, expose yourself to as much natural sunlight as possible first thing in the morning. For example, have breakfast on the balcony.

Eat a nutritious breakfast

Having broached the subject of breakfast in the previous point, it is worth noting that people who skip breakfast to save time are setting themselves up for a problem in the long run. After many hours of sleep, it is essential to provide the body with a nutritionally valuable, balanced meal, ideally with a high proportion of healthy carbohydrates and complex proteins.

Get up at the same time every day

To avoid waking up in the morning even more tired than when you went to bed, you should follow a regular sleep schedule. This means getting up and going to bed at more or less the same time so as to prevent your alarm clock from going off at the wrong time, for example in the middle of the REM phase.

Surround yourself with colours

You can also boost your positive mood in the morning by surrounding yourself with colours. If you want to feel extra confident, you can also wear colourful clothes. It will make you more noticeable to the people around you and subconsciously make you feel more confident.

Create a morning habit that makes you happy

The morning routine is something many people find unpleasant. It is the part of the day when they have to get to work as quickly as possible, or take their children to school or daycare. Thus it is also a time when they are under a lot of stress. Try to disrupt this logic and incorporate something into your morning routine that makes you happy and you can then look forward to. You will see how you will then stop dreading mornings as you did before.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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