Seven things successful people do differently

Have you ever thought about what makes successful people different from the rest? In many cases, the difference is not in higher intelligence or even better education. Often it has more to do with a different mindset and a certain attitude. Here are seven things successful people do differently from ordinary mortals.



Healthy self-confidence is essential to any success, but it must have a sound basis, such as an in-depth knowledge of a certain business field.

A mind open to new ideas

As the Harvard Business Review states, successful people do not rely on old, established procedures, but are constantly thinking of how they can move the current processes further.

Being productive

Successful people are highly productive, which means they do not waste time on unimportant tasks but rather invest their time and energy into meaningful projects.


Successful people are not discouraged by occasional failures, and they work day and night on reaching their goals.

Immunity to negative thoughts

On their way to the top, everybody who has achieved something big is bound to have met a lot of people who told them one thing or another was impossible or would not work, etc. The fact they did reach their goals proves they are immune to such negative influences in their surrounding environment.

Being a role model

Successful people are open to advice, but they are also mentors and opinion leaders who provide lessons and experience to others.

No resting on one's laurels

Successful people are never finished. They see any success or achievement only as a better starting position for further projects in the future. They keep investing and they are never satisfied.



Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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