Are you an average manager? Here is how to become an excellent one

There are not many truly great managers who are able to help their team achieve its maximum potential and who genuinely inspire and motivate their subordinates. This is all the more reason why every manager should aspire to be such a great leader. How to do it? This article will help you.


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Do not be discouraged by mistakes and failures

Mistakes, partial failures and minor disasters will always happen. These missteps are part of the journey to success. Do not be discouraged by them and pass this insight on to your subordinates.

Be open to the opinions and advice of those around you

Being a good manager means learning all the time. It also means surrounding yourself with people who know more than you, and being able to absorb new suggestions, opinions and tips from these people.

Be a mentor but, most importantly, have a mentor yourself

Make yourself available as an advisor and mentor to your subordinates but don't neglect yourself. Find your own mentor, someone who can teach and support you in the long term.

Embrace change

Great leaders have one thing in common: a positive attitude to change. Rather than trying to maintain the status quo at all costs, they know that the world is dynamic, society and all branches of industry are constantly evolving, and change represents an opportunity.

Choose your team carefully

Many managers are reluctant to choose people for their team who are too ambitious and too good, for fear of being outshone. This is, of course, a huge mistake. The only way to succeed as a manager is to select the best people to work with, and to welcome their ideas and even occasional disagreements.




Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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