What is a "flow state" and can you achieve it?

The term "flow state" is used quite often in both English and Czech texts. It refers to a state in which people are at their most productive and get the most work done in a short time. What is the precise meaning of "flow state" and how can you achieve it?


This text is based on an article on Addicted2Success.com.

Defining "flow state"

The concept of the flow state closely resembles the principle of so-called "deep work".  It is a state of mind in which you more or less forget about the outside world and become so immersed in what you are doing that it completely absorbs you. By reaching a flow state, you enter a kind of timelessness, ceasing to notice either time or the world around you. Often, after this state is over, you are surprised how much time you have devoted to the given activity without checking your watch or being distracted. The flow state is highly productive; thus it is desirable to learn how to enter it, whether for work, relaxation or even sport.

How to enter the flow state

  • Do not allow yourself to be disturbed. The first step is to completely reduce all distractions. Turn off your cell phone, temporarily resolve all the things you might have to think about, and also eliminate any distracting noises around you.
  • Do not be discouraged if it takes a while. Entering a flow state takes a while. At first, you may very well be unable to enter it at all; at the second attempt, possibly after a lengthy period of time. The good news is that the more often you practise activating the flow state, the easier it will be to achieve.
  • Have everything you need at hand. The goal is not to have to break off from your work, check something, or divert your attention elsewhere. So have everything you need for the given activity immediately at hand. For example, if you want to get into a flow state when painting a picture, have all your brushes, tools, paints and water ready in advance.




Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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