One thing all good managers need

Have you ever wondered what separates the really good managers from the mediocre or below average ones? There are certainly a lot of things that make this difference. But there is one trait in particular that all managers who want to succeed in managing people need. What is it? This article will explain.


Consistency: the key to success in management

An absolutely crucial role in managing people is played by consistency, namely a certain unchanging integrity. A consistent manager does not change their views too often unless there is a really good reason to do so, and they always adhere to a fixed set of values. Such a manager does not say one thing to one person and something else to another.

Why is consistency so important?

As states, consistency of leadership creates the impression of a safe and healthy work environment. This is because subordinates know what to expect from the manager, what their priorities are and also what is expected of them. Conversely, if a manager is inconsistent, constantly changes their priorities and demands and behaves unpredictably, subordinates have neither the time nor peace of mind to work in a focused manner, as they are forced to devote too much energy to navigating an ever-changing work environment.

Consistency does not mean lack of flexibility

After reading the text above, some might argue that technology is constantly evolving and that people who do not change their views and maintain the same set of priorities and values will sooner or later miss the boat.

But this idea is mistaken. Flexibility is certainly desirable and necessary for workers, teams and their managers; however, this does not mean a manager will constantly change their views and priorities in response to changing situations. Workers need a calm and balanced environment so they can work calmly and creatively. And that is what is provided by a consistent manager who, while to some extent reacting to current events and responding to new challenges, exudes a certain calmness, predictability and unhurriedness in their working style.



Article source BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
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