Is your work environment toxic? Five signs that you are the cause

"A fish rots from the head down". This saying also applies when a work environment is toxic, communication poor and team spirit non-existent. In such cases the manager is usually to blame, at least in large part. Is there a toxic environment in your team? Here are five signs by which you can tell if you and your attitude are to blame.


Lack of feedback

According to, one of the primary signs of a bad manager who is also the perpetrator of a toxic work environment is a lack of feedback towards workers. If you are not communicating with subordinates and there is no dialogue between you and them, this is a breeding ground for a toxic environment.

No interest in workers' development and education

Another sign of toxic team leadership is a lack of interest in the development and education of subordinates. Toxic leaders see their subordinates as mere machines to work with. They do not regard them as human beings who want to develop and educate themselves.


Micromanagers want subordinates to do everything according to the manager's own ideas and expectations and will not tolerate independent work or creativity. If you are a such a micromanager, be aware that you are giving rise to a toxic work environment.

Vaguely defined expectations

A good manager is able to describe clearly their expectations of subordinates and, while leaving room for individual initiative, gives them clear boundaries and goals. Otherwise, if subordinates are left groping in the dark, the team atmosphere can never be very good.

Supporting toxic behaviour in subordinates

One of the worst managerial sins is supporting subordinates who behave or work in toxic fashion. Do you praise workaholics? Do you ignore arrogant or even bullying behaviour? Do you listen only to the most vocal? Then don't be surprised if the atmosphere in your team is toxic.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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