A resolution for managers for 2024: Set an example to subordinates and relax effectively

As team managers, have you made any resolutions for 2024? If not, here is a good tip, one which does not involve increased productivity, communication skills or any revolutionary project management style. It is about a seemingly trivial matter, namely the ability to relax. Why is it important to set an example to your subordinates and show them they should be able to relax?


Be an example to subordinates

First of all, it is necessary to explain why it is so important to set an example to subordinates. A team manager has a major influence on the atmosphere and culture of their team. Behaviour plays a primary role in this influence: it is even more important than what you actually say to your subordinates. You can tell them a hundred times that they should be able to relax and find a work-life balance, but if you do not practise these things yourself, you can hardly expect your team to do so.

Take a vacation

Managers are significantly more likely than regular workers not to use up 100% of their annual vacation allowance. As the Talent Blog on LinkedIn points out, this approach causes problems for a number of reasons, one of which is setting a bad example to subordinates. So one item on your list of resolutions for 2024 should be taking your entire vacation for the year and actually using that time to relax.

Care for your own mental health

Along with the ability to rest effectively, managers should support their own mental health and that of subordinates. Cultivate healthy mental hygiene, encourage discussion about mental health issues among subordinates, and do not be afraid to raise questions and topics yourself concerning mental health, workaholism and healthy approaches to work.



Article source LinkedIn Talent Blog - recruiting strategies, tips and trends on the LinkedIn social network
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