Promote or sack? By what criteria should you evaluate subordinates?

Managers need to take into account the overall performance, productivity, strengths and weaknesses of subordinates when evaluating, rewarding, promoting and managing them. But how do you assess their performance objectively? What are all the criteria you need to consider? This article will explain.


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Don't look only at numbers

The first lesson is: you shouldn't look only at the numbers. You cannot determine the quality of a worker in purely financial and numerical terms. If you evaluate subordinates in this fashion, you may find yourself rewarding workers whose achievements are based on the less obvious work of under-appreciated colleagues.

Get feedback from more colleagues

In order to assess a worker's qualities in a truly objective way, it is a good idea to ask people around them for an opinion on their work. You will thus obtain a more comprehensive view of the subordinate's work from more angles, and you may even appreciate their contribution in areas you would not have thought of focusing on before.

If you are unhappy about something, discuss it with the subordinate

Evaluating a subordinate should always be done in cooperation with them. Discuss with them all the insights you have gained about their performance and allow them the opportunity to comment on any negative reports you have received about their work.

Take into account the specifics of the role of the employee

Even though several subordinates may officially perform the same role, it would be wrong to measure everyone by exactly the same yardstick and not make distinctions when evaluating them. Each role has its own specifics and subtle nuances in what is expected of that particular employee. Take these specifics into account when evaluating individual subordinates.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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