Poor leadership: why it is the most common reason employees leave

Poor leadership from a supervisor tops the list of reasons why employees most often quit. What are the specific mistakes on the part of the manager that most often cause employees to become dissatisfied and leave their jobs? And how can you, as a manager, avoid these mistakes?


This text is based on an article on Entrepreneur.com.

Poor communication

Inadequate, inappropriate or non-transparent communication tends to be one of the most common ills of a poor management team. It is very frustrating to work in a team which has ineffective communication processes or unclear communication channels. Even the best manager can never have happy subordinates if they cannot communicate and are not transparent enough in their communication.

Unequal treatment of subordinates

Every manager should avoid at all costs favouring certain subordinates. If a team leader measures subordinates with a double standard instead of treating them all equally, this is a problem that will sooner or later manifest itself in the motivation and loyalty of team members.

No interest in training and staff development

While there are workers who do not care about development and training, most employees consider this a priority. A manager who lets their team members stagnate and does not care if they are moving forward, or whether they have ambitions to develop further, will soon run into problems with the more ambitious subordinates.

Incompetent leadership

A final common reason why workers are unhappy with their supervisor is incompetence. If a manager is unable to lead projects, spot opportunities for the team, or doesn't understand what subordinates are actually doing, you can hardly expect the employees to be happy.



Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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