Eight tips on finally overcoming procrastination

Are you struggling with procrastination? Do you constantly postpone your responsibilities and have trouble staying focused on your work duties? Here are eight tips finally to put an end to procrastination.


These tips were published by Addicted2Success.com.

Break down big tasks into smaller ones

The first step is to divide the tasks in front of you into smaller and more easily achievable parts. Then they will not seem so difficult and impossible to accomplish.


If you have a lot to do and can't decide what to do first, prioritise. Rank tasks from the most to least important and give your work some system.

Set clear goals

Every task you have in front of you should have a specific, clear and quantifiable goal so that you know exactly what point you are actually working towards.

Share your plans with a colleague, boss or friends

Commitment yourself to achieving your goals by sharing your plan with friends or colleagues. This will make you feel more obliged actually to follow through on your commitments.

Use the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique involves working on one task for 20 minutes at a time and then taking a five-minute break.

Eliminate any distractions

In order fully to immerse yourself in deep work, eliminate all distractions: turn off the ringtone on your phone, close your internet browser, turn off notifications.

Reward yourself

Remember to reward yourself for achieving goals or completing sub-tasks. Work should not just be one constant hard slog.

Do not be so hard on yourself

Procrastination often stems from perfectionism. It also frequently leads to frustration, depression and burnout. Do not be so hard on yourself and make genuinely realistic plans.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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