Main principles of crisis management

What makes a genuinely good manager is the ability to lead a team effectively even in times of crisis. Is your team facing a big change? Are you expecting a decline in orders, restructuring, or some other challenging period? Here are five crisis management principles which any manager whose team is going through a challenging period should follow.


Be judicious in your reactions

As Forbes notes, in critical situations our reaction time is reduced and we tend to react quickly and radically to all impulses and changes. Try to slow down a bit. And for every reaction, first consider its overall implications.

Communicate transparently

Appropriately transparent communication is the basis for trust and a sense of stability in a time of crisis. Speak openly with subordinates and hide nothing important from them: transparency is always better than uncertainty and doubt.

Give everyone an equal opportunity to express themselves

A manager should listen to all subordinates equally, not just prefer the opinion of the loudest and most talkative members of the team.

Bear in mind sustainability and the long term

During a crisis, it is easy to focus on the short-term outlook and lose sight of the long term. However, such is the nature of crises that sooner or later they will pass. Keep this in mind and do not lose sight of sustainability and long-term goals.

Exude calm

The simple fact you do not wring your hands and panic is enough to put subordinates at ease. It is the manager's job in times of crisis to exude calm, confidence and discretion.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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