Five tips on staying productive over summer and not succumbing to laziness

Summer. For many people, this is the long-awaited period during which they go on vacation. Many people and businesses use summer for a bit of relaxation time. It is therefore easy to succumb to the impression that there is not much work to be done in the summer, and many of us are not as productive as we could be. Yet summer is the time of year when you can finally have time to focus on the things you have put off during the year and strategically plan for the future. How to make the most of summer, despite its apparent "laziness"? Here are five tips.


Stop and strategically plan ahead for next year

As Forbes states, many people use the Christmas season and end of the year to reflect on the past 12 months. Yet these are often some of the most hectic weeks of the entire year. It is actually the summer that tends to be ideal for a recap, when colleagues are away on holiday and projects slow down. Stop, set aside time for strategic planning, audit your priorities and plans, and review your goals for the next 12 months.

Create a new, lighter but solid routine for the summer months

The lazy summer atmosphere tempts you to underestimate planning and put aside temporarily the rigid work routine you follow for the rest of the year. This, of course, is a mistake. To remain productive during the summer months and not fall prey to procrastination, it is a good idea to create a modified but still fixed routine to follow.

Always keep work and personal life strictly separate 

Even in summer, it is still necessary to maintain a strict separation between work and personal life. Do not work when you are on holiday. And do not behave as if you are on holiday when you are supposed to be working. Strict separation of activities allows you to stay focused and productive when you are actually working.

Spend more time outdoors, in nature

Summer is the perfect opportunity to spend more time outdoors. You will take in the fresh air, absorb more vitamin D from the sun, and support the healthy functioning of your body. Remember, there are other things to do than just work. Take advantage of the warm weather to relax in nature.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially when it comes to sleep, food and drink

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite the summer. Do not get sucked into irregular sleeping patterns, uncontrolled eating or excessive drinking. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and structure to your days and get enough sleep. Doing so will support your mental wellbeing and productivity at work.




Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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