Three habits Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates share

What separates successful people from the unsuccessful? What makes a true leader who inspires those around them and is capable of building an empire? The answer is certain long-term habits successful entrepreneurs follow. What three habits do Bezos, Zuckerberg and Gates have in common and how have these helped them achieve their success in life?


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Continuous development and education

What all three of the American billionaires mentioned have in common is that they are constantly educating themselves and staying interested in new trends. They know that being the first at something or the first to take advantage of new modern technology is the difference between success and failure. Gates, for example, reads around 50 books a day, Bezos emphasises learning from wins and losses, and Zuckerberg challenges himself every year with new skills he intends to learn.

Focusing on long-term results and long-term planning

Entrepreneurs, managers and workers who focus only on the short-term outlook and short-term planning will ultimately only be short-term successful. Truly successful entrepreneurs plan for the long term and take a long-term view. They build their businesses in a sustainable way, with a view to all possible circumstances that may arise in the future.

Data-driven decision making

Bill Gates is known for using statistics and hard data not only in running his businesses, but also in managing his many charitable projects. The other two entrepreneurs mentioned have a similar approach. Making decisions based not on feelings and assumptions, but instead measurable metrics and data, allows for more accurate and better decisions. It also enables you to stay one step ahead of your competitors, who often make decisions based on non-exact data.




Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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