How finally to start setting goals so you achieve them

"To achieve success, you must first set your goals and form plans to achieve those goals." This is an oft-repeated piece of advice in texts and self-development books for entrepreneurs and managers. Yet many of us fail to achieve our goals, despite having dutifully set them and seemingly doing everything right. Where is the problem? And how do we get out of the rut of setting goals and not meeting them? Here are some tips.


Set smaller, partial goals and shorter plans

As states, a common problem with setting plans is that they tend to be too long-term. While it is good to have a perspective of what you want to accomplish in one to two years or five years, you need to work with shorter time periods when planning your goals. So set smaller goals and shorter plans.

Don't be too ambitious and keep your feet on the ground

Many people deliberately set ambitious goals to motivate themselves to achieve the best results. However, this has two negative consequences. Firstly, people are forced to push themselves too much in pursuing their plan, and in the end they lose motivation or after some time burn out. Secondly, they often fail to achieve their goals and as a result are disappointed. Both eventualities mean that next time they will not want to set any goals. So keep your feet on the ground, do not be overly ambitious and set realistic goals.

Determine (and remind yourself) why you want to achieve your goals

Motivation is important in achieving goals. While carrying out your plans, you are bound to encounter moments of self-doubt and lack of motivation. Precisely at such moments as these you need repeatedly to remind yourself of your primary motivation and why you want to achieve your goals.

Let others help you

The more the merrier. This also applies to goals. People often set goals for themselves but, be they personal or professional goals, you will have a much better chance of achieving them if you involve people around you in the activity. Let them help you and make an individual goal a collective one, especially if you are a manager and have a team of subordinates.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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