Are you leading a sales team? Try organising a competition for them

A small contest of sales reps has never hurt anybody. It is helpful in uniting the team together, enlightening the mood, making sales reps show their best performance, making them think in a new way and altogether it can elevate the whole performance of the whole team. But holding such a contest has its own rules so that it does not end up in failure or even in being counter-productive.


Duration: one to two months

The HubSpot blog states that the contest should ideally take one to two months. This is a duration long enough to cancel out various short-term flucutations that are just inherent to business, and at the same time it is a duration that is not too long to make the reps lose interest in the contest. 

Various paths to winning

You should, for instance, grant points for different types of activities and then sum up those points. It is important that the contest has more than just one way of winning (only one decisive factor) because that would make those who fall behind within this one factor uninterested in the contest from the very beginning.

Quantity as well as quality

Quantity (for instance the sales volume) should not be the only thing for which the contestants are rewarded. You should take into account also activities that do not add directly to an increase in sales, but that do help for instance in customers being satisfied.

Continuous results

For the contest to have the feel of a real race, it is necessary that the sales reps have available continuous results. You can write results on a board, ideally on a daily basis. Only then will contestants be motivated to give their best performance.



Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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