How to communicate a shared vision to your team effectively

Defining, describing and communicating a shared vision to the team is one of the main tasks of every manager. Without a common goal and direction, a team can never be motivated to the maximum. How to communicate and "sell" a common vision to your team? This article will explain.


Work with team members to develop the vision

As Forbes states, a vision must be ambitious, attractive and motivating. And for that reason, it's imperative you collaborate with rank-and-file team members on its actual development. It can't be a vision you have prepared yourself in isolation and far removed from the day-to-day reality of the team.

Do not be overambitious and keep your feet on the ground

The vision must be ambitious and appealing; however, it cannot be completely out of touch with reality. So stay realistic when developing a long-term vision for your team; otherwise, that vision may end up only stressing and frustrating subordinates.

Explain how individual employees will benefit from achieving the goal

The vision you describe must be truly appealing to team members. Therefore, it is imperative they understand what achieving this goal will mean for them and why they should be motivated to pursue it in the first place. Therefore, explain to all team members how they will benefit from achieving the goal.

Ensure everyone knows what to do to achieve the common goal

In order to make the vision realistic and appealing, you need to explain to everyone what they need to do to achieve it. It should not be an abstract goal somewhere in the distance, but a benchmark to which everyone can aspire and for which there is a concrete plan.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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