Some tips on how a leader can communicate effectively with subordinates

Many managers reflect on how they can lead their subordinates more effectively and motivate them to perform better. But they often forget the most important thing: communication. Do you want to be an inspirational leader and have a positive influence on your subordinates? Then learn how to communicate and listen to them better at regular consultations. Here are some tips on how to go about it.


Don't interrupt

As a LinkedIn Pulse article states, it is surprising how many people interrupt others. Yet this is the number one principle. Interrupting people simply shows you do not care about what they are saying.

Think before you speak

Many people start speaking without thinking about what has just been said. The conversation then seems like one person is just waiting for the other to finish so they can say what they had planned to say all along. Reflect on what your subordinate has actually said before you respond.

Don't be afraid of silence

Many people have a natural fear of silence, so they fill the conversation with endless talking. But there is nothing wrong with moments of silence. Always allow a small pause before responding. Likewise, you can use the silence to underscore an important point you are making.

Maintain eye contact

Maintaining eye contact acts as motivation for the speaker to continue. It is also a tool that significantly deepens mutual trust between the two participants in a conversation.

Ask for additional information

When the subordinate has finished speaking, ask follow-up questions. This will show that not only have you listened, but you are also interested in the topic and information.

Pay attention also to the subordinate's non-verbal communication

In order to be a good listener, it is necessary to perceive the non-verbal aspect of the subordinate's communication. This literally accounts for the vast majority of all communication. So be aware of the non-verbal signals the subordinate sends to you.

Set aside enough time 

There is nothing worse than someone looking at their watch while the other person is talking, thus indicating that they don't have enough time and for them the current conversation is not a priority. So ensure you set aside enough time to be 100% present with your thoughts.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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