Five must-have personal traits of a truly successful boss

Do you have ambitions to become a team leader, or are you already in a management role and want really to excel in it? Do you want genuinely to motivate, inspire, lead and be a role model to your subordinates? These are all certainly noble plans, but without long-term effort, hard work and the right attitude, you will not be able to achieve them. Here are five qualities that make a leader truly successful and will help you and your subordinates reach their maximum potential.


Be as authentic as possible

An inspiring leader is first and foremost authentic. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Admit to your weaknesses and show subordinates your human side as well. This is assuming, of course, that you retain some authority.

Don't avoid awkward topics

According to an article on LinkedIn Pulse, an honest, authentic manager does not shy away from uncomfortable topics. If there is an issue in your team or at the workplace that you have so far tried to ignore or keep under wraps, you need to address it transparently even if you may not feel like doing so.

Spread positive energy

A good leader knows how to keep a positive attitude and spread good vibes even in critical situations. Learn always to see the positive in every situation and encourage your team to regard problems as opportunities.

Be a full part of the team

Don't elevate yourself above others. When a certain crisis situation arises that requires extra work from all team members, roll up your sleeves, stay in the office longer with your subordinates, and lead by example.

Maximise the potential of subordinates

A surprisingly large number of managers are afraid their subordinates will be too capable and thus outstrip the manager themselves. But such an attitude only results in killing the potential of the entire team. Instead, try to develop your subordinates as much as possible, allow them space and raise the capabilities of the team as a whole.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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