Perfect your people management style with three lessons offered by Bill Gates:

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, is not only an example of technological innovation, but also of an effective management approach. Improve your leadership skills and be inspired by the following three management lessons courtesy of Gates.


A team achieves more than an individual

As Forbes notes, while Gates came up with many revolutionary ideas, he could not have built Microsoft on his own. His ability to delegate work and build a top-notch team was crucial to his success. Gates himself has said, "The key to success is hiring the right people and knowing how to work with them." Don't try to do everything on your own. Success can only be achieved by working as a team. Try to create an environment where people can grow, bring new ideas and work together.

Strategic planning is essential

It is no accident that Gates has turned Microsoft into one of the world's largest and most important companies. He has always focused on long-term strategy. While his competitors thought only in the short term and focused on immediate financial gain, Gates planned with a vision of what the market would look like in five, ten and even twenty years. Your success as a manager is largely built on your ability to anticipate developments, analyse trends and set long-term goals.

It is important to rely on data, not intuition

While intuition can be a good tool, decision making should always be based on hard data. Gates is known for his passion for analytics and working with numbers. He believes that objective facts lead to better decisions than mere feelings. In this day and age where we have vast amounts of data at our disposal, there is nothing easier than using it to our advantage. How often do you analyse data in your decision making? If only rarely, you may be robbing yourself and your team of better results.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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